Pemimpin Pengaruhnya Melalui Ucapan Awam

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mantap! Mantap!! Mantap!!!

Satu kemahiran komunikasi yang perlu dimiliki pemimpin ialah ucapan awam. Perhatikan Anwar Ibrahim, bila berucap puluhan ribu yang datang mendengar. Ada ketika, panas dan hujan tiada menghalang audien yang mahu mendengar ucapan beliau.

Namun hakikat yang molek kita terima ialah kita belum mempunyai sejumlah ramai yang mempunyai pengaruh melalui ucapan awam. Maka dengan sebab itulah kita perlu melakukan sesuatu untuk memantapkan 1,000 atau 10,000 orang yang mampu berucap dalam pelbagai bahasa, menguasai pentas negeri, negara, dan dunia.

Dengan itu pengisian Kursus Pemimpin Mantap ialah Ucapan Awam Berpengaruh. Berikut kandungannya:

Introduction to Effective Public Speaking – A Total View

- Define Or You Shall Be Defined

- Relevant Terms

- Effective Public Speaking Components

Extra - The E’s Of Effective Public Speaking

- Enthusiasm

- Excitement

- Enjoyment

- Enjoinment

- Enlightenment

- And More…

The Effective Public Speaker

- Self

- Your Role

- Your Appearance

- Your Style

- Your Service

- Fear Factor and The 7 Steps Of Overcoming This

- The Art And Science Of Relaxation At All Times

- Setting Courage And Confidence Now

The Audience In An Effective Public Speaking Environment

- Demographics And Psychographics

- The 3 Major Types of Audiences - I See, The I Listen, And The I Feel

- Trust, Instant Rapport and Interactions

- Visual, Images, Imagination, Visualization

- Hearing, Listening, And Effective Listening

- Support And Feedback

- Questions And Answers

- Convincing, Choices, Competition, and Cooperation

- Influence and Persuasion

- Dealing With Subject, Object, And Circumstances Beyond The Norms

Effective Public Speech - Organization And Order

- The Basic Make-up Of A Speech For Public Speaking

The Opening, The Points And The Closing

The Speech For An Effective Public Speaking

- The Types Of Speeches

- The Intent and Purpose

- The Preparation,

- The Delivery,

- Continuous Improvements,

- Pushing The Potential Limits

The Writing For Effective Public Speaking

- The Topic

- The Title

- The Opening

- The Closing

- The Superb Inserts - Memorable Quotes, Classic Phrases, Powerful Examples, and more

The Technology Of Effective Public Speaking

- Audio Video Aids

- Understanding - Words, Vocal, Visuals

- Fulfilling The Needs of Each Understanding

- Retaining And Sustaining Concentration – Yours And The Audience’s

The Environment For An Effective Public Speaking

- The Occasion

- The Venue

- The Technology

- The Setting And Set Up

- Kinesics And Proximics

- The Do’s and Don’ts

- The Standard Checklist

Effective Public Speaking Sparking Yours With Laughter

- There Are Only 5 Types Of Jokes In The World.

Jokes, Humour, Comedy

Effective Public Speaking An Aspiration Through Inspirations

- Telling A Story

- Presenting Figures

Effective Public Speaking Specials

- Identifying Gestures And Selecting Powerful Ones For Effective Public Speaking

Effective Public Speaking Tips And Techniques

- Reading, Talking, Delivering, Conveying, Sharing, Communicating

- Ethics

Effective Public Speaking Source And Resources

- Learn To Earn

You and your future as one of the most effective Public Speaker

- Opportunities

- From A Skill To Expert Mastery

- Priority Agenda Grand Plan And Daily Vital Activities

InsyaAllah sama-sama kita mantapkan...
Kita gegarkan seluruh negara
dengan ribuan pengucap awam
Parti KeADILan Rakyat


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